Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Legacy

In my Speech class at the local technical college, we were given an assignment to write our own legacy manuscript. We were instructed to write it in third person, as it should be delivered by someone else. We were supposed to be colorful, creative, and humorous. Naturally, it was supposed to be set in the future. We were instructed to talk about our attributes, accomplishments, and the ways we wanted to be remembered. Mine is as follows:

Ladies, Gentlemen, Circus and animal friends alike; I want to thank you all for once again gathering under this great tent for the special purpose of bidding farewell to one of our own. Courtney Sprayberry, the greatest Lion Tamer in the history of The Southern Railroad Circus, is trading her life on the road for writer’s retreats, raising chickens, and daytime television.
When Courtney joined us 34 years ago, she was only 22 years old. At that young age she had already traveled and seen much of the world. She backpacked Europe with a daily food allowance of 70 cents. She slept in seedy hostels jumping from city to city in search of her next adventure. From the very first time she stepped into the SRC ring, she knew where she belonged. So did we. Even the animals seemed to be in awe of Courtney. The charisma she portrays in the ring is proof of her connection and complete lack of fear. Cesar Milan made reference to her on his hit TV show “The Dog Whisperer”. He said although he did not think it possible, she seems to be “the big cat whisperer.”
Whenever you see Courtney, she is always wearing 2 things: a smile, and her infamous armband. The smile is a reflection of her spirit. The armband covers her scar and serves as a reminder of her perseverance and dedication. If it is possible there is one in the crowd tonight that does not know the legend of the armband, allow me to elaborate. Courtney loves moonshine. She had tried several times to give it up in order for her to focus on her work. She was 42 the night this took place in 2031. After falling off the wagon and back into the bottle, she stumbled into her best friend’s cage to take a nap. Jackson, the not-so-cowardly lion, was not expecting visitors. Although Courtney’s love for Jackson was returned ten-fold by the once ornery and cantankerous cat, he was awoken from a deep sleep. Had she not forgotten she left beef jerky in her pocket, things might have turned out differently. The damage done to her arm was unsightly, to say the least. Luckily, she still possesses most of the function in her arm. She had a specially crafted, custom armband made, lined with Jackson’s fur (only from trimming his mane!), with the letter “J” engrained in it. She hasn’t gone a day without wearing it. You see, immediately following the unfortunate mistake, she wrapped her injury with her hoodie, lulled Jackson back to sleep, and continued to curl up beside him and fall asleep herself. Best friends don’t let a pound of missing flesh get in their way!
Courtney is a friend to all of us. On those days when life on the road made us weary and grouchy, she found a way to lift our spirits. With her help, we were able to have fun in the midst of dire situations. If she had 2 dollars and you needed 3, she would give you her 2, and find a way to get you 1 more. Her external beauty is far surpassed by her internal beauty. Her passion is a fine example to us all.
As she leaves us tonight, we say goodbye to another member of our family. She has decided to take Jackson with her. We feel FAIRLY confident that we will not see them on the Animal Planet show “Fatal Attractions.” (Pause for Laughter) We will miss them both, but there is no substitute for the energy Courtney Sprayberry brought to The Southern Railroad Circus. She was opinionated, honest, and fearless. She never gave up seeking ways to improve herself and the circus. Just as the letter “J” is engrained on her armband, may her smile forever be engrained in our hearts and mind so that her spirit lives on with us at the circus.

My teacher didn't accept my assignment. Wha....